I decided to blog about this "experience" (note the sarcasm)...because im still pissy and ittirated 6 years later. Thats right, 6 flipping years.
Ok-so my feet were FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE. Fine. Back in '06-pedicures, etc-whatevs...I got em. Well, I decided to give myself a pedicure a few days before my wedding and I used one of those callus scrapers. Bad damn idea. I was scraping my left heel at a very awkward angle and I dug in. Pretty fn deep, if I must say. Looked like a scene from CSI: Miami. I was waiting for Horatio to appear with one of his cheesy one-liners...anyways, horriffic. Well, i got married and went off to Hawaii on my honeymoon. Hawaii-beaches, flip flops,bare feet, and sun. I had no clue what HPV was or how to even acquire any wart, so my dumb ass walked around barefoot (scabbed over) most of the time. Im almost 100% positive thats how the virus entered my body-hell the gash I took out of my foot felt like it was the size of the Grand Canyon-no shit.
A few months (maybe a year) later I started to notice that my left heel had a small hard spot on it...like a callus. Honestly I thought it was just my lack of good support from good shoes-meaning I wore flip flops a lot so I was wondering if this was damaging them? sounds crazy but wear flip flops and you can see where your heel meets the shoe part-your skin will become tougher...so STUPID, clueless me started grinding that shit down with a pumice stone (mistake #1). Actually kept doing this for a few years until it started to hurt (just a very little) when i mashed it. I actually showed my mom and she said its a plantar wart. So i started googling...(this is about 2010, by now (life got in the way)). yeppers. Plantar wart it is. ACTUALLY, since I'm brilliant and scrubbed it with a pumice stone all those years, mine developed into a mosaic wart on my left heel-exact same spot/exact same shape of the chunk of skin I took off before my wedding back in 2006. I was pissed.

So yeah, it hurt. So I FINALLY got sick of it and gathered the nerve to go to the Dr about it b/c face it, its embarrassing...and because I'm a shit magnet, I had a HAWT doctor. HAWT. So the first thing he said was wow-this is pretty big...blah blah blah. Looking back it pisses me off how much of an ass he turned out to be, but whatever. He said this is going to be trial and error. So the first cream he put me on was Fluorouacil 5% cream. I was pretty diligent and took pics of the progress every day. But honestly, this cream was pretty dangerous. Dont get me wrong, I'm all for it if it works, but I have a kid and a dog and it was a pain in the ass to walk around with this stuff on my heel-even with a BandAid on. it was toxic. It never really did anything but make it puffy and white. Here are the pics of the progress I had with that. I tried to get good clear shots but the angle was sometimes awkward.
Ok, I realize that I only took a few months worth of pics. Honestly Im tired of writing about how this shit hasnt worked so I'm going to skip ahead and not go in to so much detail on it.
I finally agreed to surgery back in September 2011-hurt like a MF. Healed nicely-and about a month later-that bitch appeared again. Maybe a wee bit smaller. We next tried some acid treatment that didn't work, either.
Skip ahead to April 2012. From the pic above, you can see its smaller, but still showing its ugly face. Im sick and FN tired of wearing bandaids on my heel. its not attractive at all. sucks. So i started googling other ways to kill these SOBs. I tried a banana peel-nasty as shit/ didnt work. Nail polish...meh...not bad. But then i read about Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). That's what I'll be writing about here on out.
Here are a few pics. I'll write more tomorrow on these.
Update: 5/14/2012:
You can see the progress it FLIPPIN HOPEFULLY MADE over the weekend. This shit hurts. Im not enjoying it but I'd rather be in pain than to have this monster on my heel...its turning black! I will be paring it down again at lunch :O)
Below is a larger view of 5.12.12 (actually this should be 5.14.12) as i took it this morning. My Skin is irritated and obviously dry...I'm guessing its from the ACV.
So, I pared this monster down...like i read on another blog, it is a personal accomplishment to see how far i can trim this down without really hurting myself...lol. I feel i got this one good today. I ALWAYS use a clean razorblade and gloves. Today i also clipped back some of the dead skin only to notice more little black dots under the surface. Thats irritating, BUT at least i know that its not over-meaning...I'm not stopping too soon...i still have a LOOOOOOOOOONG way to go. Oh-and I have an ACV treatment on...and I'm miserable...it really really really burns. NO PAIN, NO GAIN....(I guess)
Well...i slept with it on over night. Took it off while i was getting ready for work-then reapplied the treatment.